20+ years in IT consulting experience and software engineering

2,000+ IT professionals with strong technology expertise

100+ completed software projects

Industry-specific Centers of Excellence, including Healthcare, Retail, Finance, Airline, Insurance, and Automotive

A company-wide Research & Development program

Major Contender in Major Software Engineering Projects

Our Values


There is precision and directness to everything we promise and deliver. Transparency is what we ensure for our customers at all times. We are straightforward and honest with our people, focusing on what’s most important.


With passion comes commitment. With commitment comes accountability. Everything that helped VOYAZE succeed was driven by passionate people. Without them, we wouldn’t be the company we are today.


We empower and motivate our people. Only people who feel connected and fulfilled can deliver a truly great service. Our commitment to employees results in commitment to customers.


We strive for the highest quality in everything we do: the quality of our communication, decisions and service on the whole. We promote engineering excellence so that we can proudly say: “This was created by VOYAZE.” We set trends instead of catching up with them.

Let’s Work Together