Software Engineering


We begin with a conversation about your needs and goals. We help you determine and refine the goals of your website and the target audience. We also give you an overview of the content management systems and available modules. We prepare a project agreement which includes a cost estimate. Once the agreement signed, your project can begin.


Key project stakeholders attend a working session to develop your site's Information Architecture (IA). This step serves several purposes: it lays out the primary structure of the site's content and navigation, lets us define the technical requirements, and tells you how much work is needed on your part to create the new site. We create wireframes, so you can walk through your website before the design is applied.


Our design staff creates a design based on your needs and style preferences. This includes 'look and feel,' colors, fonts, and iconography.

Development and Implementation

Once you sign off on the design, we implement it into the content management system, blog system, or mobile framework. We also implement modules you have requested. If you have not already started, you can begin entering content.

Testing & Delivery 

During this step we test in various browsers, review that the websites meet the client requirements, and move the site from a development area to a live production server.

Maintenance and Stewardship 

Once the system is live, we maintain the software components, and we'll take care of the system and servers.


Systems Integration