Enterprise Architecture

The following are core considerations we assess when creating an Enterprise Architecture.


You need to ensure data governance in your systems as data moves across your architectural model. A comprehensive security strategy covers all integration aspects, from communication endpoints to network and data storage. For example, you can implement robust authentication and authorization mechanisms to ensure that only authorized users and systems can access and perform data operations. Data encryption at rest and transit is a must to meet regulatory compliance standards.


Scalability in implementation refers to the ability to handle increasing volumes of data and transactions without performance degradation. It is important to consider the scalability of every component within your system to prevent bottlenecks. Developers plan for horizontal scaling (adding more server nodes) and vertical scaling (adding resources like CPU or memory to existing nodes) so solutions can distribute load effectively. Cloud-based integration offers elastic scalability, so the system can dynamically adjust resources based on demand.


Usability in the context of is about how easily business users, IT staff, and developers can manage and operate the integration. A user-friendly interface reduces the complexity and technical barriers for business users. Similarly, straightforward APIs, comprehensive documentation, and development tools support developer use. It is also important to provide training and support to ensure the full capabilities of the integrated applications are used.


The diverse nature of business applications, data integration formats, and system integration requirements add complexity to Enterprise Architecture. Proper architectural design, modularity, and loose coupling significantly reduce complexity. Additionally, adopting middle-layer components like API gateways creates consistency and predictability in interactions between different systems.


Strategy development helps any group align on drivers and outcomes. What factors are driving change for us, and what outcomes do we want to achieve? These questions are equally relevant for planning a new or existing service, project, or technology solution.


The concept of a service helps you plan how to provide long-term value to customers. A service includes not just a solution, but everything needed to effectively enable people to adopt it, operate the solution long-term, and support its users.


Before initiating a project, your stakeholders may need to look at the larger context — what factors are driving change for us, and what outcomes do we want to achieve? The Strategy on a Page method provides a simple way to facilitate this type of discussion.


Today a solution usually is not just a system, consists of multiple facets including technology, business processes, information, and people. To identify the best solution, several approaches build understanding of these facets:

  • Systems Diagrams help you understand the context of existing systems.

  • Business Process Mapping is a common way to build shared understanding of how value is delivered today and what challenges a solution needs to address.

  • Capability Mapping identifies what the organization needs to be able to do to succeed, which clarifies the gaps to be addressed by a solution.

  • Conceptual Data Modeling defines the high level data entities and relationships the solution will need to work with.

  • User Experience Mapping provides deeper understanding of user needs to help you ensure people will want to adopt the proposed solution.


Systems Integration
